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Is Organic Food Worth the Higher Prices?

It’s true that organic food typically carries a higher price tag than non-organic food. That being said, is organic food really worth paying the higher prices? For some people the answer is a resounding yes, but for other people the higher cost of organic food just isn’t worth it. Take a moment to learn about the benefits of organic food and decide for yourself whether or not the higher prices are worth it for you.

First off, the nutritional value is basically the same between organic and non-organic food, with the only difference being that certified organic food allows you and your family to avoid chemical contaminations from being on or in your food. Even so, the majority of herbicides and pesticides used today remain on the outer portion of the produce. A thorough washing is often sufficient to remove any chemical residues that might be present.

Organic meat is a different matter. Organic meat tends to be leaner and is free from any growth hormones and antibiotics commonly found in non-organic meat. These hormones and antibiotics have been known to transfer into humans during consumption, which has led to many debates over the safety of having such substances in food. If you wish to avoid consuming unnatural hormones and antibiotics, then it’s best to choose organic meat.

Also, when looking at the choice from a proper treatment of animals standpoint, buying organic meat is often the better choice here as well. Most organic certified farms provide animals with a less stressful way of life by letting the animals roam free. Organic certified meat is rarely produced in cramped quarters and tends to use higher quality ingredients in the animal feed.

One group of people in particular who benefit from eating organic food are people who are chemically sensitive. In chemically sensitive individuals, pesticides and other types of chemicals found in non-organic food can cause symptoms like nausea, fatigue, and headaches, even at low-levels of exposure. Because of this, most chemically sensitive people prefer to pay the higher prices of organic food in exchange for avoiding such symptoms.

So, if you are just looking for nutritional value, the higher prices of organic food might not be worth it for you. If, however, you are chemically sensitive or would like to avoid the various chemicals, hormones, and antibiotics found in most kinds of non-organic food, then it may be worth paying the higher prices and buying organic so that you know you are getting the unadulterated foods you desire.

So what is your opinion on all of this? Let us know in the comments! 

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